
Monday, 15 February 2021

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus will hold the Mother Language Week on February 15-22

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus will hold the Mother Language Week on February 15-22, BelTA learned from the press service of the National Academy of Sciences. It is dedicated to the International Mother Language Day, which is celebrated on February 21

Friday, 12 February 2021

Vitebsk Oblast plans to reduce the area of Sosnovsky hogweed by almost a quarter in 2021

The plans of Vitebsk Oblast Committee for Natural Resources and Environmental Protection for 2021 are to reduce the area of distribution of Sosnovsky hogweed by an average of almost a quarter. Chairman of the committee Viktor Galanov announced this at the final meeting, BelTA has learned.
Thursday, 11 February 2021

Young livestock breeders of Vitebsk Oblast will receive additional payments from March 1

From March 1, young livestock breeders in Vitebsk Oblast who came to their first job in 2020 will receive additional Br1.000 from the oblast budget. Deputy Chairman of the Oblast Executive Committee Boris Efremov announced this at the 28th session of Vitebsk Oblast Council of Deputies, BelTA informs.
Wednesday, 10 February 2021

The prosecutor's office, police and investigators of Vitebsk Oblast will step up the fight against cybercrime

In 2021, the prosecutor's office, police and investigators of Vitebsk Oblast intend to strengthen their joint work to combat cybercrimes, Pavel Ignatov, head of the Investigative Committee for the Vitebsk Region, told, BelTA has learned.
Tuesday, 09 February 2021

In Vitebsk Oblast in 2020, the area of unused communal real estate decreased by 10%

In Vitebsk Oblast in 2020, the area of unused communal real estate decreased by 92.100 sq. m., or by 10% compared to the data for 2019, BelTA learned from the Vitebskoblimuschestvo committee.
Monday, 08 February 2021

Volunteers of Vitebsk Oblast Red Cross provided over 11.000 services during the pandemic

During the pandemic, volunteers of Vitebsk regional organization of the Belarusian Red Cross Society (BRCC) provided more than 11.000 services to the population, said the head of the regional organization Galina Zhelanova. During the pandemic, caring for the elderly has become a priority for Red Cross workers and volunteers.
Friday, 05 February 2021

In 2020, livestock breeders of Vitebsk Oblast worked with a good plus in milk production

According to Viktor Shebalov, head of the livestock production and sectoral construction department of the committee on agriculture and food of the Oblast Executive Committee, gross milk production amounted to 740.900 tons (growth rate by 2019 - 103.4%) with an average milk yield per cow of 4030 kg.
Thursday, 04 February 2021

Forestry enterprises of Vitebsk Oblast began preparations for the fire hazardous season

Employees of the forestry enterprises of Vitebsk State Forestry Enterprise will complete preparations for the fire hazardous season by March 1, said Vladimir Konkov, head of the department for forest protection and protection, hunting and hunting tourism of Vitebsk State Forestry Enterprise.
Wednesday, 03 February 2021

For Vitebsk Oblast, the current five-year plan will become a nationwide construction in the agro-industrial complex

Agriculture will become the most important priority of the social and economic development of Vitebsk Oblast in the future until 2025, the current five-year plan will become a nationwide construction project in the agro-industrial complex.
Tuesday, 02 February 2021

In Vitebsk Oblast in 2020, the number of grave and especially grave crimes decreased by 12.5%

By the end of 2020, the number of cybercrimes in Vitebsk Oblast increased 2.7 times, but the number of grave and especially grave crimes decreased by 12.5%.