Issues related to the maintenance of local roads remain pressing. “Although the governor reported that a lot had been done. How good are roads leading to agro-towns from the district center? How good are these roads? I have recently seen some of the roads from the agro-towns to the district center. Well, they knew that I would be there and put these roads in order. But in general, the situation is not good. It bothers people,” the head of state said.
The president instructed to rectify the situation as soon as possible. The task set concerns not only Grodno Oblast, but the country in general. “Grodno Oblast is doing relatively well. The situation across the country is complicated though. The deputy prime minister has recently been tasked to repair all roads within the year, whatever it might cost us. Believe me, tomorrow it will cost more. Oil, petroleum products, bitumen for asphalt is cheaper today,” the head of state said.
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