In recognition of the many-year productive work, professional excellence, a big personal contribution to the development of the manufacturing sector the Belarusian president officially commended Industry Minister Piotr Parkhomchik, Director General of OAO Vityaz Gennady Azarov, Director General of Minsk Automobile Plant Valery Ivankovich, Director General of the Belarusian steel mill BMZ Dmitry Korchik, Director General of Minsk Motor Plant Aleksandr Rogozhnik, Director General of Mogilev Elevator Engineering Plant Sergei Chertkov and director of the scientific and technological center of harvester engineering of OAO Gomselmash Aleksandr Shantyko.
In recognition of the exemplary fulfillment of service duties, a big personal contribution to the prevention of economic law violations the president officially commended chief specialist of the Analytical Department of the Financial Monitoring Department of the State Control Committee Ivan Benedis, Deputy Chairman of the State Control Committee's office in Vitebsk Oblast Vadim Volovich, deputy head of the Information and Technological Department of the Financial Monitoring Department of the State Control Committee Yaroslav Zyk, head of the Department for the Monitoring of Economic Performance of the State Control Committee's office in Vitebsk Oblast Oleg Kundelev, chief state inspector of the Construction, Housing and Utilities Monitoring Department of the State Control Committee's office in Grodno Oblast Nikolai Kuts, head of the Consumer Market and Services Sector Control Department of the State Control Committee's office in Gomel Oblast Olga Solovyeva and head of the Consumer Market and Services Sector Control Department of the State Control Committee's office in Mogilev Oblast Aleksandr Khamitsevich.
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