The five-year term of quality provides for comprehensive changes meant to achieve high standards of the quality of life, the growth of prosperity of the society, an increase in the efficiency of the economy and management activity, optimization of manufacturing processes, the improvement of parameters of goods, work, and services.
The decree determines strategic goals of the five-year term of quality in economy, in the organization of life activities of people, social relations, and tasks in the field of law. These are the pillars that represent the foundations of operation of the state.
The tasks include the creation of new modern enterprises, digital transformation, efforts to ensure technological sovereignty, further increase in population income, the use of a fair pricing system, an increase in the birth rate and the improvement of the demographic potential.
It will be necessary to ensure accessibility and high standards of education, medical and social aid, the development of housing and utilities infrastructure, transport infrastructure, and telecommunications.
An improvement of the quality of life of the people will also be facilitated by further debureaucratization, reduction of the administrative burden on citizens and the private sector. The tasks include the promotion of a healthy way of life.
Priorities of the five-year term include efforts to foster a nationwide dialog, reinforce the family institution, traditional moral values, patriotism, an increase in political culture and legal awareness, assurance of stability of the legal regulation.
Tasks of the five-year term of quality can be efficiently and productively accomplished only through joint efforts of government agencies, organizations of all forms of ownership, and citizens. This is why work will continue to foster the understanding of the personal responsibility of citizens for overall results, for preserving the country’s independence.
The president instructed the government together with the oblast administrations and the Minsk City Executive Committee to work out measures to accomplish the tasks of the five-year term of quality via programs (plans) on developing Belarus, branches of the economy, and regions.