"Accreditation is underway. More than 70 people have already been accredited. We have started to receive information not only from our CIS colleagues, but also from the heads of election bodies with whom we cooperate within the Association of World Election Bodies," Igor Karpenko said. "We have already received information from the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly. Konstantin Kosachev became a coordinator of the group of international observers from the CIS IPA. Together we observed elections in different countries of the post-Soviet space, so his expert opinion is very important for us."
"I am happy to welcome the CIS observer mission. We will create all the necessary conditions for the mission's work and provide assistance in all areas. All our state bodies involved in the election process, including the CEC, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, local executive and administrative authorities, will provide full assistance for the mission. We are open to cooperation," Igor Karpenko added.
The presidential election in Belarus is scheduled for 26 January 2025.