Belarusian PM presents awards for professional distinction


Belarusian Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko has presented state awards to people from various professional backgrounds, BelTA has learned.


On behalf of Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko, Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko presented state awards to people whose in an official ceremony at the Palace of the Republic in Minsk on 10 October. "Each of the people present here is not just a professional and a specialist in their field. You are not afraid to take decisions, you make our country stronger and better with your skill and talent. Your achievements are not only personal successes, but also a contribution to the common cause, to the cause that unites us all. You are a true pillar and pride of our country," Roman Golovchenko said.

For the services to the economic security of the state, many years of conscientious work during the design, construction and commissioning of the Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant, the Medal for Labor Merits was awarded to people whose experience and knowledge made it possible to implement one of the most significant and ambitious projects of the country. “Not endowed with large hydrocarbon reserves, Belarus once made a choice in favor of nuclear energy. The decision on the large-scale construction project was made by the head of state in 2008. We all know how difficult this decision was. The project was incorporated into the concept of energy security of our country, which allowed boosting the energy security of the state,” the head of government said.

According to him, in the past few years, the geopolitical situation and the global energy crisis caused by sanctions and external restrictions have affected the economies of a number of European countries and, accordingly, the quality of life of people, as energy tariffs have increased significantly. This forced many, including Belarus’ neighbors, to reconsider their energy strategies, the prime minister stressed. For example, Bulgaria, Latvia, Poland, France, the Czech Republic, Switzerland and others have announced their plans to build a nuclear power plant.

"Just recently, during a visit to our country, IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi confirmed the highest technical and operational level of our nuclear power plant. He also hailed Belarus as a benchmark example of how a newcomer country has organically entered the club of world powers using the peaceful atom. Not only from the point of view of the plant itself, but also from the point of view of the infrastructure around it, the training of personnel and, of course, compliance with all the highest standards of nuclear safety. The share of electricity that is generated by the Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant in the country’s total energy production exceeds 25% and will be growing. A nuclear power plant was once a dream that seemed unattainable. But there were people who made this dream the goal of their lives, and today it is a source of pride for our country," Roman Golovchenko said.

Representatives of the agricultural industry were also honored. “You daily make an invaluable contribution to food security and development of the agricultural industry of the country. Undoubtedly, agricultural production has been one of the priorities of state policy,” the prime minister emphasized. “At the end of the current season, we will produce about 10 million tonnes of grain and leguminous crops, including corn for grain and oilseeds. By the end of 2024, we will launch more than 60 modern dairy complexes built with the state support. This program will be continued next year. What is especially important is that our products are known in more than a hundred countries of the world. They are competitive internationally and are of the highest quality”.He recalled that once upon a time, the country was struggling to feed its people. “Today, in 2024 food exports will approach $9 billion. Behind such successes there is a daily painstaking, not always visible, work of agrarians, for which we thank you,” the head of government said addressing the Belarusian agrarians. 

Traditionally, the employees of the tax authorities were among the awardees. “In the context of constant tax changes your work becomes more important and multifaceted. You not only ensure compliance with the tax legislation but also actively participate in its improvement. You help both entrepreneurs and citizens to adapt to new business conditions. Your ability to explain innovations and support taxpayers is an important contribution to the development of a transparent and fair tax system,” Roman Golovchenko added.

One of the awardees was Andrei Kovalevsky, the head of the directorate of taxation of individuals at the Taxes and Levies Ministry. He was awarded with the Medal For Impeccable Service Third Class. He has been working in the tax system for more than 20 years. “It is very pleasant that our work is appreciated, recognized. A lot id done in the field of taxation, including tax reforms. The system does not stand still and is constantly changing and improving,” he said. In addition, a large group of awardees were honored with the Francysk Skaryna Medal, an award for high achievements in science, education and culture. “This medal bears the name of the great enlightener and humanist who brought the light of knowledge and wisdom to our land. His legacy continues to inspire us today. The recipients of this award are professionals in their field and true masters of their craft. You have dedicated your lives to serving society, developing knowledge and culture so that future generations could be proud of their history and strive for new heights,” Roman Golovchenko emphasized.

Each of the awardees works hard in various sectors, the head of government emphasized. “These are manufacturing, finance, statistics, agriculture, science, education, culture and so on. You are building the basis for sustainable development of our society, shaping the future, taking care of people and ensuring their well-being. Let me express my sincere gratitude to you for your hard work, professionalism, diligence and achievements. You are the real builders of our society. It is thanks to such people, who are present in the hall today, that we can count on a bright future for our country. The awards are tokens of personal distinction of your contribution. They are the recognition of your efforts and commitment, a symbol of respect and gratitude for your work. You are the true heroes of our time. Your successes are the successes of the whole country. Thanks to this we move forward, overcome difficulties, do not stop at what has been achieved and reach new heights,” the prime minister said as he addressed the awardees.