Lukashenko pledges more support for housing construction in rural areas


Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko promised to strengthen support for the construction of housing in rural communities as he visited the Parokhonskoye agricultural enterprise in Pinsk District on 4 October, BelTA has learned.

“We will strengthen support for rural communities, especially what concerns housing construction,” the head of state said. “Housing construction programs should be implemented in places where there are manufacturing enterprises, where there is work for people.”

According to the president, it is necessary to build rental housing for workers. This, alongside with good salaries, will create necessary conditions for attracting specialists. The director of the enterrpise needs to manage such rental housing. “You invite new workers to work. You conclude a contract. If the worker decides to leave, he or she needs to vacate the accomodation. We should build rental housing,” he said.
This approach, however, does not rule out the possibility for people to build single-family houses. “If a person decides to have a house built, we will give a land plot. We will encourage such undertakings,” the Belarusian leader said. “But if you lack workforce, you can attract new workers offering housing and good wages,” the Belarusian leader said.
The same should be done not only in respect to employees of the agro-industrial sector, but also of other industries, without pulling all the workforce to the cities, thus damaging rural communities. “It is vital to keep this in mind. Otherwise, we accumulate people in Minsk, and then think how to provide them with jobs, how to build schools, kindergartens, and so on. We should implement construction projects where we most need. I mean both education and housing sectors. Everything should be brought in line,” the president said.