Minister: Ideas of peace, security, creation make Belarus’ domestic political foundation

The ideas of peace, security, protection from external threats and creation have become both a domestic political foundation and the basis of foreign policy of Belarus, Belarusian Defense Minister Lieutenant General Viktor Khrenin said as he spoke at the 11th Beijing Xiangshan Forum, BelTA learned from the Belarusian Defense Ministry.
Presenting his report, the minister shared the formula of a just world, which is not divided into East and West, in which the voice of each state is important in ensuring international security and peaceful coexistence on the planet.
The Republic of Belarus is taking the initiative to develop the Eurasian Charter of Diversity and Multipolarity in the 21st Century. That is precisely what can unite the efforts of all states of the continent in building a different world order.
A fundamentally new system of international relations will fully rely on international law, mutual trust and equality, take into account the national, religious and cultural features of peoples, rejection of interference in the internal affairs of states to change the chosen path of development, and recognition of and respect for the diversity of practical cooperation mechanisms.
“We do not rule out that as a result of joint work we will come to the development of a new OSCE, but in which the ‘E’ will no longer stand for Europe, but for Eurasia,” Viktor Khrenin said. “I would like to draw attention to the fact that European states, as an integral part of the Eurasian continent, should also participate in these processes.”
“In the end, all decisions on issues of ensuring peace and security, building a common future will be made by a real global majority, not by a closed club of Western countries,” Viktor Khrenin said.