This instruction has to do with the individual earnings ratio (IER). Currently, no pension is paid above the IER of 1.3.
“One of the issues on the agenda today (the president set the task to resolve it by the third quarter) was remuneration for working pensioners. Let's say, the IER of a working pensioner is 1.45. According to the legislation, their IER cannot be above 1.3, so they do not get paid this difference. The only exception are agricultural workers,” said the chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions.
Therefore, a task was set to introduce a regulation that would allow pensioners to continue working, but on more attractive terms. Yuri Senko is confident that retaining the earned ratio will be a great incentive for people with extensive work experience, professional skills, energy and desire to continue working. “Plus, their wages will also be a good incentive for them to keep working in those areas where we need them,” added Yuri Senko.
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