"I would like to say something regarding the employer-sponsored university admissions: people should understand that they are getting an education and returning to a specific place of work," Aleksandr Lukashenko said. “Whether they get married or not, they will still need to go and work there. Of course, we will approach all issues in a humane way. But these students should clearly understand that they will have to work a certain time period as stipulated by the contract. This time period should be long enough, not two or three years, but at least five years.”
The president urged to pay serious attention to the employer-sponsored education. "We will not get away from this, because we need teachers, doctors, agronomists, and livestock specialists in a specific workplace in a particular region. There are people who are willing to enroll and undertake obligations. There are enough of them, so we need to support them. Basically, these are responsible people who do not try to flout their obligations ," the head of state said.
As Education Minister Andrei Ivanets noted, these are the approaches applied during the admission campaign. "An applicant for the employer-sponsored education programs should be both motivated and also well-prepared," he said.
The campaign to apply for employer-sponsored education programs at universities was over on 5 June. About 4,700 applications have been submitted. From 6 to 13 June, they will have to take one internal exam in the primary specialist subject, whether in writing or verbally. Enrollment will be completed by 16 June.
Each admissions committee includes a school subject teacher. This is important because a university professor may have inflated requirements for applicants, the Education Minister noted. "Exams are recorded both video and audio. Comfortable conditions are provided so that applicants do not wait for three, five or ten hours. Already during this week we will get the results of the verbal exam and will be able to make suggestions for further improvement of the employer-sponsored education application process," Andrei Ivanets said.
Written by belta.by