First Deputy Chairman of Polotsk Regional Executive Committee
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Issues of the fuel and energy complex, providing the population with fuel, energy efficiency, precious metals, collection of processing and procurement of secondary raw materials, except for scrap and waste of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, waste disposal. Monitoring the implementation of indicators of social and economic development and the timeliness of payment of wages in the supervised area. Assistance to the agro-industrial complex. Issues of construction and design, housing, utilities and road facilities, transport, communications and information, improvement of the city and region, land relations, activities in the field of protection of the population of Polotsk and Polotsk region from emergencies, provision of design and survey work, development design and estimate documentation and construction work at the facilities.
Subdivisions of the regional executive committee:
- Department of Architecture and Construction;
- Department of Housing and Communal Services;
- Department of Land Management.
- Polotsk Interregional Department "Energonadzor", Vitebsk RUE of electric power industry "Vitebskenergo";
- Polotsk office of the "Energosbyt" branch of Vitebsk RUE of the electric power industry "Vitebskenergo";
- branch of Vitebsk Regional Unitary Enterprise for the provision of fuel "Vitebskobltop";
- branch "Polotskgas" of UE "Vitebskoblgaz";
- construction, housing and communal services, road facilities, transport, communications enterprises, design organizations;
- Municipal Unitary Enterprise "UKS of Polotsk and Polotsk region”;
- Department No. 3 of the Inspection of the Department for Construction Control and Supervision of the State Committee for Standardization of the Republic of Belarus in Vitebsk Oblast;
- Polotsk branch of RUE "Vitebsk Agency for State Registration and Land Cadastre";
- Polotsk City Regional Department For Emergency Situations;
- hydrological station Polotsk;
- Polotsk rescue station;
- RUE of computer technology and informatics "Polotsk VTI"; placement of advertising structures on the territory of the city and the region and determination of places for advertising;
- gasification of the city and the region;
- organizations of developers, partnerships of owners, gardening partnerships, garage cooperatives, organizations operating car parks;
- Polotsk city organization of NGO "Belarusian Society of Automobile and Motorcycle Amateurs”;
- branch RUE "Belpochta";
- branch of RUE "Beltelecom".
Commission management:
- an interdepartmental commission for control over the economy and rational use of fuel, energy and material resources;
- a commission for monitoring the progress of debt repayment and current payments for energy resources;
- a commission for emergency situations;
- a commission on regulation of activities in passenger road transport;
- a commission for holding a tender for the right to carry out passenger transportation;
- a commission for the road safety; a public commission on housing issues in Polotsk Regional Executive Committee;
- an interdepartmental commission for the recognition of residential premises that do not meet the sanitary and technical requirements established for living, not suitable for living;
- a commission for approval of the apartment cost appraisal act; a demolition commission;
- a commission for the preparation of materials for making decisions on unauthorized buildings;
- a commission for choosing the location of land plots;
- a commission for the preparation of materials for the consideration of land disputes;
- a commission for the preparation and arrangement of auctions for the sale of land plots for individual construction and the right to conclude lease agreements for land plots;
- a commission for joint survey of territories for warnings and detection of violations of land and environmental legislation;
- a commission to consider issues of removal, transplantation of flora objects;
- a commission for calculating subsidies and financial assistance for construction (reconstruction) or purchase of housing; an evacuation commission;
- a commission for inventory of the state of water protection zones and coastal strips of water objects;
- performs the duties of the chairman of the executive committee in cases of his absence or inability to fulfill his duties.
Deputy Chairman – Head of Agriculture and Food Office
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- r. 219, ph: 43 73 11
agriculture and food office`s reception: Anna Litvin 46-20-51
Management of the agro-industrial complex of the region, agriculture and food office of the regional executive committee, enterprises of the Ministry of Forestry. Issues of production and processing of agricultural products, provision of the population with food, farming, land resources and geodesy, environmental protection, hydrometeorology. Monitoring the implementation of indicators of socio-economic development and the timeliness of payment of wages in the supervised sphere.
Departments and services of the regional executive committee:
- Agriculture and Food Office;
- Department of Land Management of the Regional Executive Committee.
- organizations and enterprises of the Ministry of Agriculture;
- organizations of the Ministry of Forestry;
- an interregional inspection of natural resources and environmental protection;
- enterprises of the association "Vitebskmeliovodkhoz";
- branches of JSCB "Belagroprombank";
- OJSC "Polotsk Agroservice";
- State Institution “Polotsk Regional State Inspection for Seed Production, Quarantine and Plant Protection”;
- UE "Polotsk zoovetsnab";
- agrochemical group;
- stations for combating diseases of farm animals;
- regional tribal station;
- sector of the state inspection for supervision of the technical condition of machinery and equipment;
- fisheries inspection;
- regional organization of the public association "Belarusian Society of Hunters and Fishermen";
- nature conservation societies, nature reserves;
- horticultural partnerships;
- protection of flora;
- peasant (farm), personal subsidiary plots;
- branch trade union.
Commission management:
- Board of Administration for Agriculture and Food; an attestation commission for attestation of heads of communal property of the agro-industrial complex;
- a commission for the transfer of land from one category and type to another; a commission for the prevention of destruction or damage by hunting animals of agricultural and (or) forest crops;
- a commission for the lease of hunting grounds and control over their use;
- a commission for the transfer of fishing grounds for lease, arrangement and holding of tenders for their lease.
Deputy Chairman for Economics
Alexander KOLODYNSKI |
r.223. ph: 43 96 62
Industrial development issues (including product quality and competitiveness) of small and medium-sized urban settlements. Issues of forecasting and organizing the implementation of indicators of social and economic development of the city and region, investment policy, foreign economic and regional relations. Issues of innovation, intellectual property, collection of processing and procurement of secondary raw materials, scrap and waste of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, waste disposal. Monitoring the implementation of indicators of social and economic development and the timeliness of payment of wages in the supervised sphere. Issues of entrepreneurship and interaction with the coordination council of the city and regional trade unions. Issues of statistics and analysis, fiscal and monetary policy, securities, labor and wages, insurance activities. Issues of property relations (including management, disposal, privatization, appraisal and accounting of property owned by the Republic of Belarus and communal property), trade and services to the population, protection of consumer rights, disposal of property seized, arrested, confiscated or otherwise converted to state revenue, departmental control.
Subdivisions of the regional executive committee:
- Economics Office;
- Department of Trade and Services;
- Finance Office (within his competence);
- Labor, Employment and Social Security Office (apart from social protection issues).
- industrial enterprises;
- trade and consumer service enterprises;
- subjects of the non-state sector of the economy and individual entrepreneurs;
- Department of Price Control of Price and Antimonopoly Policy Office of Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee (in Polotsk);
- UCCE of Polotsk and Polotsk region "Center for Support and Entrepreneurship";
- banks;
- RUE "Polotsk Center for Standardization, Metrology and Certification";
- Polotsk shop of RUPE "Vitebskvtormet";
- Polotsk branch of Vitebsk Oblast Union of Employers;
- Polotsk Council of the PA “Belarusian Society of Inventors and Rationalizers”;
- regional club of directors;
- Inspection of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Republic of Belarus, Polotsk region;
- Department of Statistics in Polotsk and Polotsk region of Vitebsk Regional Department of Statistics;
- representative office of Belarusian RUSE “Belgosstrakh” in Polotsk and Polotsk region and all insurance companies;
- Polotsk Interregional Labor Inspection of Vitebsk Oblast Office of the Department of State Labor Inspection;
- Polotsk branch of Unitary Enterprise "Vitebsk Department of Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry";
- economic ties with sister cities;
- advertising activities in the city and the region;
- Polotsk regional organization of PA "Belarusian Society for Consumer Protection";
Commission management:
- a commission for the prevention of economic insolvency (bankruptcy);
- a commission for control over the payment of wages and state benefits;
- a commission on labor protection and knowledge testing on labor protection issues;
- an attestation commission for attestation of heads of municipal property organizations (except for the agro-industrial complex);
- a working group on the regulation of issues of development, examination, approval and implementation of business development plans and business plans for investment projects of business entities;
- a working group on the issue of increasing export supplies, optimizing import purchases and fulfilling the task on the balance of foreign trade;
- a commission for arranging tenders and auctions for the sale of communal property objects in Polotsk region;
- a commission for the leasing and gratuitous use of non-residential buildings and premises being in the communal ownership of Polotsk region;
- a commission for work with property turned into state revenue;
- a commission for the involvement of unused state property in the economic turnover;
- a commission for the reduction of accounts receivable;
- a commission for the prevention of occupational injuries and occupational diseases;
- an anti-corruption commission;
- a commission of the consumer protection.
Deputy Chairman for Social Affairs
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- r. 220, ph: 43 86 89
Issues of selection, placement, advanced training and retraining of personnel, awards, arranging elections and referendums, interaction with local self-government bodies, executive and administrative bodies, religious organizations and national public associations, veteran organizations, other social and cultural associations, humanitarian activities, implementation of state ideology, social and political information, state youth policy, analysis and forecasting of the socio-political situation in the field of interaction with political and public organizations, the media and print enterprises. Monitoring the implementation of indicators of socio-economic development and the timeliness of payment of wages in the supervised sphere.
Management of the development of education, science, culture, health care, social protection, physical culture and sports.
Interaction with the Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus.
Control over the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated November 24, 2006 No. 18 "On additional measures for state protection of children in unfortunate families."
Subdivisions of the regional executive committee:
- Office of Labor, Employment and Social Protection (except for labor, employment and wages);
- Department of Ideological Work and Youth Affairs;
- Education Office;
- Department of Sports and Tourism;
- Culture Department;
- Department of Organizational and Personnel Work.
- TV and radio companies;
- cultural and educational institutions;
- creative unions and organizations;
- printing enterprises;
- other organizations of the Ministry of Information of the Republic of Belarus;
- institutions of higher, secondary specialized, vocational and general education;
- state institution "Polotsk Zonal Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health";
- other organizations of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus;
- arrangement of reception and distribution of cargoes of foreign humanitarian aid;
- regional office of the Social Protection Fund of the Republic of Belarus;
- Polotsk organization of the republican public association "Belaya Rus";
- Polotsk organizational structure of DOSAAF;
- Polotsk regional organization of Belarusian Red Cross Society;
- Polotsk regional committee of the Public Association "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" and other youth organizations;
- organizations of the Ministry of Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Belarus;
- social security to eliminate the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl NPP;
- trade republican unitary enterprise "Soyuzpechat";
- branch trade unions.
Management of commissions, societies:
- on juvenile affairs of the regional executive committee;
- a commission for establishing the status of victims of the Chernobyl NPP disaster, other radiation accidents and issuing documents confirming the right to benefits to citizens affected by the Chernobyl disaster, other radiation accidents;
- attestation commission for attestation of civil servants;
- assistance in monitoring the implementation of legislation on freedom of religion and religious organizations;
- a commission for the provision of state targeted social assistance;
- on consideration of citizens' applications for permanent residence in Polotsk region;
- for the appointment of state benefits to families raising children;
- a commission for the appointment of pensions;
- a commission for assigning grades to civil servants;
- to coordinate and resolve issues related to the arrangement of summer work and recreation for children and adolescents;
- draft commission of the military commissariat;
- on consideration of applications of graduates of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions for obtaining soft loans;
- regional headquarters of volunteer squads;
- former partisans and underground fighters commission;
- a commission for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and HIV infection;
- Coordination and Methodological Council for Legal Advocacy;
- Coordination Council for the protection of historical and cultural heritage;
- observation;
- a competitive commission for the formation of a reserve of management personnel;
- Council for Demographic Security;
- public commission on ethics;
- Interdepartmental Coordination Council for Tourism Development;
- Coordinating Council of Public Associations.